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What Can You Expect?

Every month, we will send you a compendium of the most exciting content from Crisp Malt, along with bits and pieces from the world of brewing and distilling to inform, educate and delight.

What does it include?

  • Subscriber-only competitions! Win all sorts of awesome prizes, from Maris Otter malt to brand new Crisp merchandise. Keep an eye out for the next competition.
  • Behind the scenes footage with the Crisp team – on the road, on the floors, at the sites, at shows and events, meeting you guys, and enjoying a bit of brewing and distilling.
  • Articles from Crisp Malt. We’re publishing posts every week with one core aim: to give brewers and distillers insights from our expert team of contributors at Crisp Malt and in the wider industry. That could be a post about the latest trend in beer style alongside a recipe, an update from our farmers on the barley crop, or a technical post on our latest malt.
  • Upcoming and past events; be they virtual or in-person
  • Our latest product releases; get informed ahead of everyone else about future developments and get early access to additional online resources just for subscribers.
  • A roundup of the best brewing content from the rest of the web.


Just fill in the quick form below and you’ll be signed up.