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Colin Johnston has long cared about the relationship between the land, food and drink. A career in brewing, and more latterly malting, has reinforced his respect for that relationship.

Now, after six years at Crisp Malt, he has been promoted to Sales and Marketing Director.

Colin Johnston



This new role recognises Colin’s achievements over the years in terms of sales and customer service. More than that: it gives him the opportunity to expand the craft brewer and distiller education programme that he helped to create. This will help in the quest to take malt knowledge in these sectors to a new level.

CEO Stuart Sands

Colin’s new position sees him directing the marketing team, as well as the team of UK sales managers.

This is the dream job. I get to champion barley growers at one end of the supply chain, brewers and distillers at the other end – and of course maltsters in between. There’s an extraordinary pool of experience and technical expertise among my Crisp team members – and also among other colleagues in the business. We can tap further into that huge resource, and into the research done in partnership with growers, customers and university partners, to create even more educational tools for brewers and distillers.

There are always loads of exciting insights to share. These include news on agricultural practices; barley varieties; malting processes; malt styles and malt products. Obviously, brewers and distillers also want to know about the function and impact of different malts in different beers and spirits. We have so much information at our fingertips: my ambition is to share it as far and wide as possible to benefit the industry.

Feedback in recent research shows support from Crisp’s sales and customer service teams to be well appreciated and highly valued by customers. This gives Colin a great platform on which to start his new role. “But,” he says, “we won’t be resting on our laurels. There’s plenty more to be done, especially as market conditions get tougher for brewers and distillers in the coming months.

We’ll be looking every-which-way to support customers as best we possibly can. After all, it’s a long-term partnership. Through thick and thin. From grain to glass.

Our Malts

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