1. Get paid as quickly as possible
For Gipsy Hill’s Sam McMeekin, it can be worth sacrificing a little cash in return for getting it sooner. “We had one large customer to whom we gave a small discount in return for shorter payment times,” he says. “If you can negotiate, let’s say, a one percent discount to move from 90- to 30-day terms, you should do it. And actively review your customer base to see who’s up for that.”
Other debtors, though, might not be so able to pay. A little understanding goes a long way for Lost & Grounded’s Alex Troncoso. “We try to be supportive,” he says. “We might put together a payment plan and split the payment over 12 weeks or whatever. Most customers really appreciate that. Handling it the wrong way is a really good way to destroy that relationship.”
According to Sara Barton, see what other brewers have to say if all else fails. “You might hear that you need to watch out for so-and-so, stuff like that,” she says. “Brewers do tend to keep each other warned.”