
Roasted Malts

Leaving the world of conventional kilning methods behind in the malting process, we move on to a range of malt where major increases in process temperature are required during roasted malt production.

These specialty brewing malts produce higher color and stronger flavors; our roasted malts are a result of the same Maillard chemistry that forms the deliciously intense aromas and color of roast coffee or the delicate biscuit taste in a beautifully baked fresh loaf of bread.

  • Roast Barley Malt: Prominent smoky aroma with a subtle bitterness, ideal for stouts and bitters. Featured in our Irish Stout and Best Bitter beer recipes.
  • Amber Malt (Biscuit Malt): Bold, malty flavors with an intense biscuity aroma and a dry, balanced toast finish. Versatile in ales, mild ales, brown ales, bitters, and dark ales.
  • Brown Malt: Lightly roasted with milky coffee flavors and hints of sweet pastries. This malt has a nutty, dry taste and a light brown color, which works well in brown ales and mild beers.
  • Black Malt (Patent Malt): Our darkest roasted malt with a unique blend of roasted notes, layers of licorice, smokiness, and nuttiness. Used in porter and stouts, including our Imperial Stout and Oatmeal Stout recipes.
  • Chocolate Malt (Coffee Malt): Rich roasted aroma with prominent espresso coffee notes and undertones of black pepper and toasted flavors. Perfect for stouts, porters, and strong mild beers.
  • Pale Chocolate Malt: Distinct roasted aroma with creamy coffee notes and intense smoothness, adding body to Stouts, porters, and strong mild beers.
Roasted Malts

Roasted Malts

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