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Well, what can I say?
This was my first Charles Farams HopWalk, and it did not disappoint. It started on the train, headed towards the beautiful town of Worcester, where cobbled streets, hanging umbrellas, timber-framed 18th century buildings, and olde worlde pubs line the pretty lanes.
After a mooch around the town, it was time to head through the windy country lanes to the stunning site of Charles Faram. The marquee was up, the fields were full of hops, and the sun was shining (in fact, it was 35 degrees!) – exciting stuff.
This year, the Crisp Malt stand was fronted by our brand new Brewing Malt Tray Display, which was set up for craft brewers to delve into our malts. With malt tastings on offer, brewers could learn about what our quality malts could bring to their next brew or indulge in a handful of their known favorites.
Alongside our delicious malt, we proudly served Pomona Island’s, The Boy Whose Name is Vitorino. This delicious, 6.3% IPA went down a treat amongst the brewers and exhibitors alike! Mike Benson, one of our Craft Sales Brewing Managers, was involved in the brew day, so has shared how he would describe the beer;
The beer is Pomona Islands’ tribute to the Macarena; poor Vitorino, the boyfriend. She didn’t like him, could not stand him. We think he deserved better, so we matched the beer with our Heritage Hana malt alongside oats and wheat to give an amazing pale beer with a super soft mouthfeel. Matched with the iconic Mosaic, Strata and Enigma, this delicious NEIPA is perfect for a hop walk. We liked it so much we’ve decided to take another keg with us to share with all our friends at Brau.
Mike Benson, Crisp Malt Craft Sales Brewing Manager
Most excitingly, we ventured into the world of hops, and might I say, it was the highlight of my trip. Starting the tour in the picking warehouse, we had front-row seats watching the picking machine do its magic, selecting the best of the best. We followed each hop’s journey along the conveyor belt, up and down throughout the warehouse, underneath our feet, alongside us, and into the trays; there is something very Charlie and the Chocolate Factory about this place! We headed to the kilns and then across to the Cooling Floor, where the hops are cooled for up to 24 hours.
The next part of the tour took us back to the start of the hops’ journey – the fields, and what a delight this was. For miles and miles, you are treated to views of hop vines, which reach over 6ft tall, creating a hoppy wonderland to walk through. We watched the experts at work, as they harvested some hops right in front of us.
All in all, the Charles Farams HopWalk was a great success, as it always is, and we want to say a massive thank you to the team for setting up such an educational, engaging, and fun event for us to attend. Until next year!
If you want to purchase smaller quantities of our quality malt, please speak to the team at Charles Faram about their Crisp Malt offerings; they will be more than happy to help you find one of our malts that is perfect for your next brew.