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Based in East Anglia, we are constantly reminded of the role of farming in our local community. If you’ve visited us in Norfolk, we’re sure you’ll have experienced being stuck behind tractors and combine harvesters as they roll slowly down the narrow roads of the county; a reminder of the important role of agriculture in our corner of the UK.

In winter the fields are covered in a carpet of Maris Otter®, just itching to get going once there is enough heat and light in the day. By spring the stalks have started to form and the barley proudly rises out of the ground throwing out its tillers that will eventually go to seed.

Finally, there are those summer weeks when the whole of Norfolk seems to be covered in a shimmering sea of golden barley, ready to be harvested, dried and stored for another year of malting.

The Barley Growing Year Illustration from Crisp Malt

Our Malts

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