Since 1870 we’ve lived and breathed malting. With this passion and expertise, and by combining traditional and modern techniques, we create an impressive range of malted and non-malted products, including several unique and exclusive barley malts.
We have a wide range of malts suitable for brewing and distilling to provide you with the foundations for creating your next beer or whisky.
There is nothing more we love than talking to brewers and distillers so if you have any questions, or would like to arrange a call with a member of our team, please feel free to get in touch – we would love to hear from you!
Nigel is the Southern Sales Account Manager for Crisp Malt and lives in Suffolk.
He has a degree in Marketing (CIM). For many years he worked in a sales capacity within the Flour Milling Industry for Allied Mills, Europe’s largest Flour Miller, working with both large and small bakery businesses.
Nigel joined Muntons Malt in 2003 before joining Crisp Malt in 2012. He has worked hard to ensure that his customers get the required high level of product and service quality so as to help them grow.
He has matched their passion and enthusiasm to ensure that this enterprising Sector continues to grow and become even stronger moving forwards.