
Scottish Distilling Malt

Crisp has been making distilling malt in Scotland for over 40 years. We now have two maltings, one in the traditional brewing town of Alloa and the other in the heart of Speyside at Portgordon. These areas have long traditions of consistently producing high-quality malting barley in Scotland; between them, they cater for the requirements of Scotch Whisky production; plain, peated and high diastatic malt.

Over the years we’ve forged long lasting partnerships with farmers in Morayshire, Aberdeenshire and Fife, to grow low nitrogen (protein) distilling barley varieties which allows us to produce flavourful distillers malts. Our distillers malt goes on to produce some of the finest Scotch Whiskey’s, and they are also highly prized by craft distilleries in Japan, the USA and Europe.

Our peating process on Speyside ensures the fullest absorption of ‘reek’ by the grain during the peat burn. Whereas with some dry smoked peated malts the flavour and aroma quickly fades over a short time, our method produces a lasting rich peat smoke character in the malt, so it can be transported all over the world without issue.

To cater to small and large distillers alike, our plain pot still and peated malts are available in bulk, one tonne or 25kg bags.

For detailed information about Crisp Malt’s technical support team, visit the Crisp Malt Technical Support Team page. Here, you’ll meet the our experts dedicated to ensuring your distilling process runs smoothly, who will provide invaluable assistance and insights tailored to your craft distilling needs.

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