Every Crisp Malt customer has access to the Certificate of Analysis (CoA) for the malt they have ordered. This handy malt analysis guide explains all the sections, and should help you quickly find the information you need on your CoA.
Did you know that you can also view your CoA online or by scanning the QR Code using our Crisp Malt App?
This measures how much water there is in the malt. A higher kilned malt will have a lower moisture. Typical maximum is 3.5% for Pale malt and 4.5% for Extra Pale malts. Remember to store grains in a dry environment for maximum shelf life. Read our blog post for more information on how to store your brewing malt.
This is the amount of soluble material within the malt. The IoB method mashes the grain for 60 mins at 65℃ so it strongly approximates the infusion method of brewing. The EBC mashing method uses a stepped temperature programme so is more representative of a typical continental mashing process. This is the extract value used in calculations in the brewhouse.
This expression of extract takes into account the moisture content of the malt and allows direct comparison of extract between different malts. Base malts typically have a minimum 305 L°/kg extract dry basis.
An important measure of the nitrogen (protein) in the grain. The higher the protein, the lower the extract and vice versa. High protein will cause issues with clarity and fermentation. Ale malt should be around 1.35-1.55% and up to 1.75% for lager malt.
The nitrogen (protein) that has been broken down in the malting process. Soluble nitrogen will aid head retention, provide yeast nutrition and add body and mouthfeel to the beer.
The ratio of total to soluble nitrogen, it gives a very good indication of the modification of the malt. We are looking for 38-42 for ale malt.
A measure of how easily the malt will mill. It is also a good measure of the extent of cell wall modification of the barley. A minimum of 85% is expected. If friability changes then you may need to adjust your milling regime.
A measure of some of the starch degrading enzyme activity in the grain; the higher the DP the greater the conversion rate from starch to fermentable sugar. A minimum figure of 40 IoB is expected for base malts. If you’re using lots of speciality malt or un-malted cereals then a higher DP may be beneficial to conversion.