The darkest of our roasted malts. When you need an intensely dark colour for stouts and porters this is an excellent malt to use. Despite its reputation as a highly astringent malt, nothing could be further from the truth. This malt brings with it a roasted character with some bitterness and astringency, but also flavours of currants and berries.
This malt can also be used for the colour adjustment of pale beers either in the mash or by sprinkling on top of the mash at the sparge stage, to impart a ruby hue.
Parameter | IoB | EBC | ASBC |
Moisture | 2.0% max | 2.0% max | 2.0% max |
Extract | 270 L°/kg | 71.5% | 71.5% |
Colour | 1100-1350 EBC | 1100-1485 EBC | 415-561 °L |
Please click on the video below to learn more about the flavour and aroma profile, and usage suggestions for this malt.
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