Colin S: “It started as an idea for a collaboration brew with Brick Brewery. We were chatting about what to do and thought we’d have a look at the DIPA/Impy Stout/DDH route. Pete, the head brewer there, mentioned he’d been toying with doing something from a style [hard seltzer] that we didn’t think had been attempted in the UK yet and we riffed on the idea from there.
It’s hard to say. I was a little reserved about the idea. It seems the trend [in craft] seems to be for beers with big body and sweetness, but the more I thought about it the more the idea appealed. We’ve done two different takes on the style and although they have been slow burners the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. In the warmer summer months I could see them getting a lot of traction.
For us the most important thing was that it could still be classified as a beer, so had to have water, hops, malt and yeast. We used low colour pale as the main base, with a good dose of torrified wheat to keep the colour low but give good extract. We added about 20g of hops in the kettle but some noble hops for very low flavour impact and then about 50% of the sugars came from Dextrose and fruit juice. We then lagered it for 4 weeks to help with clarity and to make sure that the yeast profile was near non-existent.
Haha, yeah that’s pretty much what we were going for [minus the chilli]
As much as I love that stuff, it’s probably best staying in the curry and not in the beer!
Exactly why I insisted on using beer ingredients, we didn’t want to find ourselves with a HMRC problem! We ensured that the seltzer very much followed the brewing process and it does go through all the usual stages of a brew; mash, boil, ferment. It also contains malt, hops and yeast.
Keeping the beer flavours neutral whilst still remaining a beer, in essence. A very light hand was required!
The original collaboration with Brick [made with fresh watermelon, strawberry juice and mint] sold out. Our second, the coconut and lime brewed in collaboration with 2 Towns Down brewing, is still available. We’re just at the planning stage for another iteration but that’s under wraps just now.